


The G042 Control Unit carries out the interface between the transmitter and the operator or the supervisory system software, if it is required. All the information about the amplifier modules functioning state, the possible faulty conditions regarding the modules themselves, the units and the cooling system of the transmitter are available on the G042 front panel display. The G042 Control Unit front panel consists of:

  • Liquid Crystal Display, which displays the information about the functioning state of the transmitter.

  • Keyboard, whose components are a soft keyboard (F1, F2, F3, F4, F5) to recall the menu and a set up keyboard (START, STOP, LOCAL, REMOTE).

  • Leds that indicate the functioning in local control (intermittent yellow led), the presence of the RF nominal power (yellow led), the condition of RF power alarm (red led); under the leds is located the DC BREAKER, which protects the DC power supply of the unit.

The amplifier modules functioning is controlled by the Master CPU located inside the control logic section of each module. The G042 receives the modules functioning information from each Master CPU by means of the RS485 serial line.

Inside the G042 unit the following boards are present:

  • GDC board
  • I/O Interface
  • A/D Interface
  • CPU16/485
  • Power Supply 48V

The information are displayed on the liquid crystal display and can be recalled by means of the numeric keyboard (F1 to F6)
The G042 Control unit is supplied by a 48Vdc voltage and has a power consumption of 20W.